Let's begin...

Obligatory first blog post...

Just so you know, anything that sparkles (yes I say sparkles like a ten-year-old girl) is something I HAVE to see/have. I have always wanted to start my own blog with things that inspire me and usually things I eventually wish to own.

I worked at a jewellery shop for five years and it created a horrible need to create jewellery and things that shine. Since getting a 'real' job that fettish has spawned to more expensive and colourful pieces which at the time cause much angst for the bank account but when worn are fabulous.

Please enjoy, any feedback is fabulous.

This blog will take the place of five oversized scrapbooks full of magazine clippings, photos and a number of bins full of used Marie Clare and Vogue magazines, now devoid of most of their elegant and ostentatious fashion spreads...


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