Jayson Brunsdon with a difference...

Ever wanted an amazing Australian designer dress but seen the price tag and had a small panic attack?

I stumbled across an amazing website which hires out dresses for a fraction of the cost! This Jayson Brunsdon dress retails for $1500 but can be hired from DressedUp for $329! AND you don't have to give it back straight away either - you can keep it for the week.

FYI for anyone who wishes to buy me a dress that will make me love them forever this one pretty much does it :)

Rachel Gilbert - $1150 down to $219

Nicole Finetti - $460 down to $99

Nicole Finetti - $515 down to $129

White Suede - $360 down to $89

Rachel Gilbert - $999 down to $249

Rachel Gilbert coming soon - $796 down to $199


Rachel Gilbert - $995 down to $269


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