About time I got back into my DIY and the flood gates have opened! I made the gorgeous A Pair and A Spare Jewelled Statement Earrings...
I went to Spotlight and bought about six packets of rhinestones without backs, gemstone glue, earring backs and studs (make sure your stud has a large surface so you can glue it securely on later). The original instructions called for PVC but I couldn't find it anywhere so I bought a random packet of beads which had a flat, plastic cover over it that I could use as a PVC base. If only I'd known this plastic was useable before I've thrown it away before!
I stuck close to the original design with a couple of colour changes depending on what beads you can source...
Lay them out and glue them onto your plastic and leave them for a good few hours to dry.
Carefully cut around the shape and glue on your earring posts.
And voila!! How gorgeous are they? These are a cheaper version using only glass flat back rhinestones and they cost around $5-$10 to make, and you'll have lots left over to keep you going for more designs to come!!
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